Hello! My name is Anton!

I am a web-developer currently working on projects involving JavaScript, HTML, CSS. This page contains some of my work. I enjoy coding and the process of creating something beautiful and useful with written words. As someone who takes responsibility for my own personal development, I'm constantly evaluating and advancing my skills.

Things I made that live on the Internet

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React Drum Machine

Stack: JavaScript (ES6, React, JSX), HTML, CSS; Source code

Drum machine right in your browser! Made with React.js. Uses props, state and other cool React stuff. Key compo more ▼

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Markdown Previewer

Stack: JavaScript (ES6, Marked.js), HTML, CSS; Source code

This is a project in which you type or paste your markdown styled text and it will be automatically converted to more ▼

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Technical documentation

Stack: JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS; Source code

Two column template for documentation page.

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Yet Another Shopping List

Stack: JavaScript (ES6, React, JSX, Atlaskit, Styled components, Express), HTML, CSS; Source code

Fullstack React Shopping list application. What does it mean? It means that data you enter is saved on the server, so you can access it later.

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Twitch API application

Stack: JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS; Source code

Using fetch this app receives data from Twitch REST API . Unfortunately mentioned API doesn't provide online channel statuses directly, so more ▼

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Weather by location

Stack: JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS; Source code

Allow this app to use your location and it will show your local weather, fetching data from OpenWeatherMap REST API. This app doesn't store your location data, so don't worry about the privacy.

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React Blog

Stack: JavaScript (ES6, React, React-router), HTML, CSS; Source code

Blog on React, which I made for my school project. Each article stored as an endpoint for react-router.

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Random Quote Generator

Stack: JavaScript (ES6, React, JSX), HTML, CSS; Source code

React app, which uses props, state and also fetches data from online source.

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Sket4er - Draw on Canvas

Stack: JS (ES6), HTML, CSS; Source code

Draw on HTML canvas with your mouse.

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App Promo Page

Stack: JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS; Source code

Responsive promo page for the calorie tracking application.

Contact me

By e-mail: toshamatveeev@gmail.com

By phone : aliens have stolen this image :(